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    Mahesh Kolli

    Founder, President and Joint Managing Director
    Greenko Group

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    Mahesh is a staunch believer of “Be the change you want to see.” He constantly believes in creating infrastructure that has a lasting social impact while contributing to the growing demands of India and has strived to contribute to the growth of the country through establishing such businesses.

     He is a young & dynamic first-generation entrepreneur. After graduating in Mechanical Engineering, he has successfully founded and developed multiple businesses in Information Technology, Environmental Technologies, Clean Energy and Urban Infrastructure sectors over the last decade.  His entrepreneurial journey started with an environmental solutions company focused on technology transfer from developed markets to India.

    Mahesh made his mark in the Indian Energy Sector by co-founding Greenko Group along with Mr. Anil Chalamalasetty in 2006. Greenko is one of the world’s leading energy transition and decarbonisation solutions company.

    Mahesh is a keen participant and panelist in various investor forums. He interacts with investors and sector contemporaries worldwide. He is an active participant and contributor to the World Economic Forum and various energy councils.  For Greenko, he has been recently awarded with “The most Innovative Company award” by Telangana government.

    Outside of work, Mahesh is a keen traveller and wildlife enthusiast. He is involved in various causes supporting wildlife conservation.

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