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    Social Impact

    The Purple Symphony: Training Award Programme

    GIC is a close partner of The Purple Symphony, Singapore’s largest inclusive orchestra, which is made up of musicians with and without special needs. Brought together by their shared love for music, The Purple Symphony champions inclusion and allows musicians to celebrate and demonstrate their abilities to achieve excellence together.

    Through the Training Award programme funded by GIC, the grant equips persons with special needs and disadvantaged backgrounds with equal access to music lessons and performing opportunities.

    How it works

    GIC funds The Purple Symphony’s Training Award Programme, a grant that equips persons with special needs and disadvantaged backgrounds with equal access to music lessons and performing opportunities. Through the programme, award recipients can utilise the grant to purchase instruments and cover fees for music lessons, exams or event tickets for exposure. Through learning and performing with The Purple Symphony, the award recipients can continue to hone their musicianship skills and grow in confidence.

    The Purple Symphony has successfully created an avenue for musicians to learn and share music with one another, celebrating and demonstrating abilities, spreading the message of inclusion and inspiring other.

    For further information and applications, please contact Central Singapore CDC.

    From our recipients

    This programme continues to support me in honing my skills. I have more opportunities to learn, and am also using what I learn to coach two other musicians from The Purple Symphony. I enjoy teaching and hope that as I improve my own skills, I will grow to become a better teacher too.

    Ng Kok Wee

    Recipient and Flautist

    With more lessons, more practice and more performances, I have become more confident in my playing. I’m slowly mastering the songs I used to struggle with. In the future, I want to play at nursing homes so that I can share my music and my story with others.

    Huang Li Zhen

    Recipient and Violinist

    CNA938 featured Royce and his family on Singapore Stories and talked about how they came to discover his love for the cello. Royce is a participant of the Training Award Programme funded by GIC. Listen to his story here.

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