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    Organizational Structure

    Liang Jiajie

    Head of Global Macro, Fixed Income & Multi Asset

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    Liang Jiajie is Head of Global Macro (GM) within the Fixed Income & Multi Asset (FIMA) department, managing and overseeing investments in global interest rates, currencies, credit, volatility, commodities, and equity indices. Jiajie is a member of the FID Investment Committee, as well as a member of the Currency Risk Management group for GIC.

    Jiajie was previously Head of FI (Europe). Prior to joining the GM team, Jiajie was part of the Emerging Markets team within FID, in charge of investments in Asia (ex-Japan). Before that, he was part of the Portfolio Analysis and Investment Service team within FID, focusing on portfolio construction, portfolio rebalancing, and risk capital allocation. Jiajie joined GIC in Jan 2007.

    Jiajie holds a Bachelor of Engineering (1st Class Honours) in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Singapore and a Master of Science in Computational Design and Optimization from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

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