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    Organizational Structure

    Wesley Bonewell

    Head of Structured Products,
    Fixed Income & Multi Asset

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    Wesley Bonewell is Global Head of Structured Products at GIC in public markets. In this role, Wesley oversees the portfolio construction and management of structured product investments across Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

    Wesley joined GIC in 2008 to lead the structured product investing activities in the Fixed Income & Multi Asset (FIMA) department. Prior to joining GIC, Wesley was Head of the prepayment sensitive asset portfolios at GMAC RFC (Rescap). Early in his career, he worked in the asset liability management function at AgriBank FCB (part of the US farm credit system) and as an auditor at KPMG.

    Wesley holds a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry from St. Olaf College and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management in Accounting.

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