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    Steering Through Uncertainty: Anchored by Purpose, Guided by Strengths



    Macro Outlook

    Macro Outlook

    Steering Through Uncertainty: Anchored by Purpose, Guided by Strengths

    As part of this year’s GIC Report, CEO Lim Chow Kiat shares how GIC is navigating a profoundly uncertain investment environment through its principles of price discipline and diversification, and by leveraging its strengths, including long-term, flexible capital and committed partnerships.

    25 Jul, 2024 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies Macro Outlook

    A Decade of Investing in Latin America

    In celebration of our 10th anniversary in Brazil, GIC CEO Lim Chow Kiat and Head of Brazil Office Wolfgang Schwerdtle shared their views on GIC’s investment approach to Latin America, where they see long-term opportunities, and the impact of the current global macro environment on investments in the region.

    12 Jun, 2024 ∙ 4 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    Navigating Geopolitical Risks in an Era of Complexity and Uncertainty

    As geopolitical tensions reach their highest in decades, General David Petraeus shares his insights on incorporating geopolitical analysis into investment decision-making, assessing the economic impact of military conflicts and the pivotal role of leadership in navigating these complex challenges.

    23 Apr, 2024 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    In Conversation with Karen Karniol-Tambour, Co-CIO of Bridgewater Associates

    On the sidelines of GIC Insights 2023, Karen Karniol-Tambour, Co-CIO of Bridgewater Associates, shared her views on today’s key macroeconomic and investment trends and about her time with the firm.

    14 Feb, 2024 ∙ 6 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    An Uncertain Global Macro Landscape

    With changing macro narratives and structural trends, as well as heightened geopolitical risks, GIC remains focused on the long-term with a diversified and resilient portfolio, write Prakash Kannan and Mark Tan in the OMFIF Global Pensions Report 2023.

    01 Dec, 2023 ∙ 2 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies Macro Outlook

    Long-term Investing Across Generations

    GIC CEO Lim Chow Kiat discusses the importance of learning from past lessons, clarity over long-term goals and and the adoption of robust processes to navigate long-term investing across generations.

    27 Nov, 2023 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    Uncertain Times Can Bring Fresh Investment Opportunities

    Despite continued global uncertainties, GIC CEO Lim Chow Kiat outlines the opportunities that can still be found in financial volatility, the climate crisis, technological disruption, and broader global fragmentation.

    21 Nov, 2023 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    Investing in a World of Disruptions

    As part of this year’s GIC Report, Lim Chow Kiat, CEO of GIC, shares how GIC continues to invest in a world of disruptions by focusing on portfolio resilience and by seeking out investment opportunities with stable long-term returns.

    26 Jul, 2023 ∙ 2 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    Seizing Opportunities and Managing Risks in an Uncertain Environment

    GIC CIO for Public Equities, Bryan Yeo, spoke about how investors can seize opportunities and manage risks amid today’s uncertain environment.

    26 Apr, 2023 ∙ 6 Mins Read





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