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    All Articles

    Enterprise Excellence

    Tony James on the Essentials for a Successful Long-Term Partnership

    Trust and respect, both organizational and personal, are key.

    25 Oct, 2019 ∙ 1 Min Read

    Investment Strategies Macro Outlook

    Asia’s Growing Importance in the Global Economy and Financial Markets

    GIC continues to take a constructive view on Asia’s long-term future.

    03 Jul, 2019 ∙ 10 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    China as a Tech-Enabled Economy and Global Innovator

    China’s internet ecosystem and global presence will continue to grow.

    01 Nov, 2018 ∙ 4 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    China’s New Growth Model: Outlook and Impact

    Despite juggling multiple transitions, China remains highly attractive as a long-term investment destination.

    01 Nov, 2018 ∙ 5 Mins Read


    Supporting Enterprises in a Technology-Enabled World

    How does GIC see businesses evolving in this tech era?

    06 Sep, 2018 ∙ 6 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies Technology

    GIC’s Approach to Investing in Technology

    We take a holistic approach to tech disruption.

    13 Jul, 2018 ∙ 9 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies Macro Outlook

    A Long-Term Future in an Uncertain World

    How can investors avoid short-termism and focus on long-term trends?

    01 Oct, 2017 ∙ 4 Mins Read


    Artificial Intelligence for Traditional Industries

    How can companies capitalise on AI’s full potential?

    01 Oct, 2017 ∙ 4 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    High Uncertainty amidst Low Volatility

    Do not confuse a low-volatility environment with a low-risk one.

    10 Jul, 2017 ∙ 6 Mins Read

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