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    Unlocking the Climate Solutions of the Future





    Al Gore on the Future of Sustainability

    Climate change has accelerated in the last decade, but the solutions to the crisis are now also here.

    17 Nov, 2020 ∙ 8 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies Macro Outlook Sustainability

    Reimagining the Future

    We need to embrace key changes, deduce their implications and adapt our approach.

    16 Oct, 2020 ∙ 5 Mins Read


    Sustainability and Investing

    Climate change is fundamentally a risk management issue.

    27 Sep, 2020 ∙ 6 Mins Read


    Why Climate Change Matters for Investors

    Climate change affects investments via two channels: financial materiality and investor flows.

    22 Sep, 2020 ∙ 7 Mins Read


    Sustainability: An Essential Focus for Long-Term Investors

    By integrating sustainability factors into our processes, we build resilience and diversification for better long-term returns.

    21 Aug, 2020 ∙ 13 Mins Read


    Bob Litterman on Climate Change in the Investment Community

    We should be pricing carbon emissions today.

    04 Dec, 2019 ∙ 8 Mins Read





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